Match Lead

The match_lead operation allows you to check whether the email address and/or phone number of the lead you have against what is recorded on the certificate.

Before being converted to a hash to be stored email addresses and phone numbers are normalized. Email addresses are simply downcased while phone numbers remove all whitespace, hyphens, brackets and parentheses. This normalization is also applied to the values of lead matching parameters to help legitimate matches be made when the formatting is different.

Important: The match_lead operation is required when running the retain operation.


Any of:

Match certificate to the lead based on the lead email address


The email of the consumer you believe was recorded in the certificate. Optionally you can hash the value using a SHA1 hash function in place of providing the unhashed value

  • "email": ""


The result of the match_lead operation. The email and phone parameters are echoed and the result property reports the outcome of the operation. More information is available in our KB.

If the operation result is not a success, TrustedForm was unable to confirm that the consumer information collected on the cert matches the lead it came with. This is a strong signal that the lead should not be contacted.

The result of the match_lead operation does not impact the behavior of the retain operation.


The email or hashed value provided in the request, believed to be that of the consumer recorded in the certificate.


The phone number or hashed value provided in the request, believed to be that of the consumer recorded in the certificate.

  • "email": "",
  • "phone": "51125551212",
  • "result": {
    • "email_match": true,
    • "phone_match": true,
    • "success": true